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Nutella banana dream snack

Lucy Ackroyd

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

I have just discovered Ryvitas after spending 10 days in Iceland eating them everyday.

Unlike the other members of the trip I was not bored to death by them and actually still really like them.

I have to say they do require some moisture, otherwise you do feel slightly like you are eating tree bark BUT they make the perfect snack!

Another classic combo which just never fails is chocolate and banana, and lets take that one step further with hazelnuts, chocolate and banana by using Nutella. Now you could just use regular Nutella but I am really aiming for food that is good and nutritious here and lets be honest, Nutella is packed with sugar. So I made this alternative Nutella. I'm not saying it is sugar free or something that should be consumed by the spoonful guilt free (although I would!) BUT it is free from refined sugars and has all the good fats from nuts so it is hundred times better then regular Nutella. And it tastes great!

For this I use the cracked black pepper Ryvitas, partly because it was what I had in the cupboard and partly because I quite like the pepper taste with the chocolate. You can use whatever you fancy, it all works well!

This is super simple and a great mid morning or mid afternoon snack and REALLY fills a hole. Because of the fibre in the Ryvita, protein from the nuts and the carbohydrate from the banana it really is a power snack, great for energy! It isn't really a recipe, since you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work this out but hey ho, I love it so I thought I would put it up! Enjoy.

Nutella and Banana Ryvitas

Makes two Ryvita snacks


  • 1 banana

  • 3 tbsp homemade Nutella

  • 2 Ryvitas

Method: (there shouldn't really be a method to this, it's practically just making toast!)

  1. Spread the Nutella on the two Ryvitas

  2. Chop the banana into slices, about the thickeness of two pound coins and divide between the two Ryvitas. Ta-da, easy!


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